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Important Site information.
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Open to members of the staff only. Discussion between staff members will be here. Remember, do not ask to be part of the staff unless a position is said to be open.
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Character Corner

Pending Applications
The character application can be found here. Post your application here for it to be reviewed by staff.
2 posts
2 threads
Accepted Applications
Once an application has been accepted, it'll be moved here.
12 posts
12 threads
Post your plotters here.
1 post
1 thread
Post your thread trackers here.
11 posts
1 thread
Post your want ads here.
1 post
1 thread
Background Characters
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Original NPCs that may play some sort of role in your characters' stories but aren't developed or detailed enough to have their own accounts. These original characters can have guest appearances in threads.
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Character Samples
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Want to try your hand at a character before apping them? Post a sample here and get feedback from your fellow members.
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Hall of Fame
Applications belonging to characters that have been killed, have been inactive for months, or simply deleted will be moved here by a member of staff. Only members and staff can access this board.
40 posts
22 threads
Old in and out of character threads found here.
46 posts
45 threads

United States of America

New York City
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"The Big Apple," comprised of five boroughs and sat where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean.
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Westchester County
An area in the Hudson Valley, north of New York City.
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1 thread
Washington D.C.
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The capital of the United States of America.
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San Francisco
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The fourth most populous city located in California.
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Los Angeles
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The home of Hollywood and the center of the American film industry, also known as "The City of Angels."
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Any location in the United States of America that aren't found above.
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The northernmost point on the Earth, lying diametrically opposite the South Pole.
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North America
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The rest of North America: Canada and Mexico.
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South America
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A continent in the Western Hemisphere, mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the Northern Hemisphere.
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A continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere that is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south.
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The world's second largest and second most-populous continent.
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The world's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres.
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A country and continent surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans.
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The southernmost continent and site of the South Pole, is a virtually uninhabited, ice-covered landmass.
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The vast open oceans.
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The vast universe surrounding Earth.
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Time Travel
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Whether traveling through the past, to the future, or just wanting a thread that doesn't take place in the site's current time.
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Alternate Dimensions
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Lives lived on alternate Earths.
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Instant messages, texts, or emails from the characters of the site.
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Rapid Fire
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These threads are canon, but don't require the word count. They can help move plots along or be random.
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One Shots
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Any one shots can be placed here - whether meant to move a plot forward or just have fun with a character.
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